Cultivate Presence

embroidered stitch meditation by Linda A. Miller


Our modern life seems to be an ongoing hum of stimulation.  It is easy to get lost in distraction.  With these challenges, I need to remind myself to slow down and make some space.  Perhaps you have a similar response and are wondering about options.

Numerous scientific studies are showing that mindfulness can improve physical and mental well-being.  Movement, yoga, and meditation help me be more grounded in my body and mind.  Mindful creative process also brings me back to my senses. By applying simple practices stress patterns can diminish, allowing me to meet life as it is.

I bring the full range of my experience, as meditation practitioner, yoga teacher and artist, to the classes and workshops I offer.  The focus of my teaching is to encourage others to discover and use what works for them.  Whether it be gentle breath-centered yoga or contemplative art making, the intention is to return to the senses and the present.  Link to: Stitch Circle.  Link to: Yoga Classes.

Feel free to contact me at lindaamillerart(at) to learn more.



“Be fully present.  Feel your heart.  And engage in the next moment without an agenda.”

~ Pema Chodron

© 2025 Linda A. Miller   All Rights Reserved.