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Joy, 2018, embroidered stitch meditation by Linda A. Miller

A New Home

July 23, 2018 by Linda A. Miller

Welcome to my new blog site!  Things change.  It was time to update and simplify by having everything in one place.  So, after 10 years on Blogger, my blog now has a new home with my website.

On to creative work…

As a fiber artist, hand embroidery is one of my favorite mark making techniques.  I recently completed “Joy”, which I embroidered on dyed brocade.  I painted ink on rice paper for the Joy and other marks, then fused them to the cloth.  Since the final textile is left raw edge, I fused the piece to an Eco felt backing, which gives a good weight and stability to the brocade.  I learned this excellent finishing technique from Jane Dunnewold.  Watch her video for details here.  While there check out the other resources she offers.

Joy by Linda A. Miller 2018

I am continuing with my stitch meditations.  For those who are new here, I began these small embroideries in March inspired by material from Jane Dunnewold’s Creative Strength Training 10 month online program which I am participating in.

stitch meditation by Linda A. Miller 2018

stitch meditation by Linda A. Miller 2018

Thanks for stopping by!  Summer is speeding by, so enjoy the last of July.

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