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Fragment, 2018, art quilt by Linda A. Miller Fiber Artist

Cutting and Stitching

August 9, 2018 by Linda A. Miller

I recently finished a small quilt, “Fragment”, that was inspired by the Notan technique of the expanded square.

Fragment, 2018, art quilt by Linda A. Miller Fiber Artist


I first learned this as a cut paper technique several years ago in a local Creative Strength Training workshop with Jane Dunnewold.  It is included in the exercises within her CST book.  I have often returned to play with it.  Follow this link to see some cut paper from earlier this year.  It was fun to apply the method to cloth.  I appliqued the black pieces to the white background, and added hand stitching of course!

Amazingly we are now in the 6th month of the online Creative Strength Training.  I am enjoying the ongoing processes with writing, reflection, play, and looking at archetypes.  Each month there is something new to explore, plus weekly inspirational emails.  Jane and Zenna are wonderful guides, and have orchestrated the program beautifully.  Each person chooses how much or how little to participate in, so no pressure.  It has been a time of deep renewal for me and I find more joy in the creative work I do.  I will share more as we continue on.

In my previous post, I shared some examples from last month’s mosaic exercises.  Here are a few more in the series.


paper, lino print self portrait Linda A. Miller 2018


On the latest one I added imitation gold leaf, a new medium for me to explore.  It is extraordinarily light and fragile.  Do not turn a fan on while working with it or it will easily blow away!  I like the results from the addition of the leaf.

paper, gold leaf, lino print self portrait Linda A. Miller 2018


Would it work on cloth?  Not sure, sticking with foil may be the better solution.

Thanks for visiting!





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