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Online Stitch Circle

May 28, 2020 by Linda A. Miller

Sometimes my mind stays with the action and sometimes my mind wanders. As with any activity, I can approach knitting with careful attention or with carelessness. The practice is to come back to the action—insert needle, loop yarn, pull through; breathe in, breathe out—without holding on to the promise of the finished object.

Jennifer Urban-Brown, excerpt “Zen Mind, Knitting Mind”

I hope that you are doing well in these very challenging times. For me, creative process and meditation practices play a key part in helping manage my stress. I am pleased to tell you about this upcoming online monthly Stitch Circle that I will be guiding. A wonderful way to be with community in this time of physical distancing!

Stitch Circle will meet online every 4th Saturday beginning 6/27/20 1:00 – 3:00pm PDT

Connecting to our senses and each other stitch by stitch.  Slowing down with contemplative practice as the thread that links hand and heart.  Combining meditation with creative process allows us to be more present … to make discoveries about ourselves and our world.  As we sit together and stitch together, we touch into our inter-relatedness.

So, gather up your needles, hooks, thread, yarn, or cloth and join us.  OR alternative materials: paper, string, wire, staples, tape, scissors, glue, etc.  Experiment with what can you stitch with!  Non-stitchers are welcome.  Bring your drawing, painting, or writing materials.

Consider the verb “to stitch”: to fasten, join, or close with; to make, mend, or decorate with. 

For more follow link.

May you stay well and safe.

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