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Deconstruction 5

Opening with Inspiration

February 1, 2019 by Linda A. Miller

“An inspiration is a happy moment that takes us by surprise.”

~Agnes Martin

My year began in a contemplative art retreat for Shambhala Art graduates. Quiet and play, my ideal road to creating!

We looked at various energies that inspire creating. It was the energy of destruction that unexpectedly led me on a path to a new series. One of the participants/teachers, Rebekah Younger, shared some exercises from her upcoming book “Be Awake, Create: Mindful Practices to Spark Creativity “. We were encouraged to deconstruct a piece of our artwork. Now this was not a new approach for me, but somehow this sparked a fresh opening. In the time since the retreat, I have been happily cutting up old pieces that have been sitting for years, and reconstructing them into new statements. It is joyful play!

Deconstruction, 2019
Deconstruction 2, 2019
Deconstruction 2
Deconstruction 3, 2019
Deconstruction 3

In a future post I will share more on the process of these pieces, so stay tuned.

Note: Shambhala Art has been a part of my creative life for many years. Its teachings explore creative process and art product as a meditative practice. Looking at the source of inspiration, the teachings encourage play, discovery and communication. Learn more here: Shambhala Art.

Linking to Off the Wall Friday

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