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embroidered stitch meditation by Linda A. Miller

Revisiting Stitching 2

September 14, 2020 by Linda A. Miller

A life of making isn’t a series of shows, or projects, or productions, or things: it is an everyday practice.

Ann Hamilton – excerpt “Make Not Knowing”

Here are more stitch meditations as promised from my last post. Enjoy!

Note: you can find more by searching the tag “stitch meditation”.

embroidered stitch meditation by Linda A. Miller
Silk, hand embroidery, fused
embroidered stitch meditation by Linda A. Miller
Cotton with ink, silk, hand embroidery, fused
embroidered stitch meditation by Linda A. Miller
Silk, hand embroidery, fused
embroidered stitch meditation by Linda A. Miller
Silk, cotton, hand embroidery, fused
Silk, cotton, hand embroidery, fused
embroidered stitch meditation by Linda A. Miller
Silk, brocade, hand embroidery, fused
embroidered stitch meditation by Linda A. Miller
Silk, cotton, hand embroidery, fused
embroidered stitch meditation by Linda A. Miller
Silk, hand embroidery, fused

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