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Deconstruction 8 Detail


May 24, 2019 by Linda A. Miller

Art involves relating with oneself and one’s phenomenal world gracefully.

Chogyam Trungpa

My deconstruction/reconstruction series evolves as I continue to find new directions in the cutting up and re-purposing of old work. The challenge: How to keep things fresh…

Vocanic Energy 2008
Volcanic Energy

Volcanic Energy, a hand dye piece from 2008, was the source quilt for those below. I have used some favorite elements of fusing and hand embroidered flourishes.

Deconstruction 6
Deconstruction 6
Deconstruction 7
Deconstruction 7
Deconstruction 9
Deconstruction 9

With Deconstruction 9, I began adding some eye/portrait elements that I have been playing with from Creative Strength Training exercises. (Self portraits were part of the toolkit in the April CST explorations).

Waterfall 2009

Waterfall, from 2009, grew into those below.

Deconstruction 5
Deconstruction 5
Deconstruction 8
Deconstruction 8

I chose to also add eye imagery for Deconstruction 8. I like the play of the abstract with graphic figurative bits. (Look for more on self portraits in future work…)

I realized this process has become a metaphor for my current life state of transition. I am re-framing priorities and the paths I choose, just as I have done in assembling these quilts. It is a parallel journey after all: art reflecting life!

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