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embroidered stitch meditation by Linda A. Miller

Stitch By Stitch

October 10, 2018 by Linda A. Miller

“Genuine inspiration is not particularly dramatic.  It’s very ordinary.  It comes from settling down in your environment and accepting situations as natural.”

~Chogyam Trungpa


Continuing my journey with stitch meditations…  I think of this as slow art, focused on process and unconcerned with an end goal, which is freeing and enjoyable.  Try experimenting with it for yourself.  Not a stitcher?  There are many avenues to create in a contemplative way, including drawing, painting, writing, flower arranging, or even setting your table for a meal.  All it takes is to be fully present with whatever you are doing.


embroidered stitch meditation by Linda A. Miller


embroidered stitch meditation by Linda A. Miller


embroidered stitch meditation by Linda A. Miller


embroidered stitch meditation by Linda A. Miller


On November 10th I will be teaching a workshop, Threads of Aspiration, linking meditative mind with creative process.   We will begin with meditation and contemplation to reflect on an aspiration to share, following what arises through to playful visual expression with word, mark, or image using simple mixed media on paper or cloth.  Open to all.  Join us!

Where: Los Angeles Shambhala Meditation Center, 963 Colorado Blvd., Eagle Rock
When: Saturday November 10, 2018, 11:00am – 1:00pm.

Details here




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